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Optimize Your Business Growth

Use AI-Solutions For Your Business

A robust and private AI platform designed for tailord demands and tools with many pre-build templates.


Our solutions learn and adapt to your specific needs, continuously improving over time.


Automate tasks, optimize processes, and free up your team to focus on strategic initiatives.


Grow your business without limitations, thanks to the power and flexibility of AI Cloud services.

XIIX Solutions

AI at the Core of Everything We Do

AI Conversational Model LLM: Revolutionizing your business customer experiences by Generative AI and Large Language Models, take your business to new heights with exceptional accurate and safe Ai services.

AI writing assistant: helps you write high-quality content across emails, blogs, ads, reports and many more.

AI Image Generator: Generate an image from text in seconds with the Ai Text-To-Image technology.

AI Voice Generator: Generate lifelike speech in any language with the most powerful text to speech (TTS) and voice cloning technologies.

We’re a Shopify & Lightspeed Partners. Let us take your online store to the next level with AI-powered product recommendations, personalized marketing, and intelligent management. If you don’t have online store yet, don’t worry we have the best POS, eCommerce, Payment gateways and accounting cloud-based integrated solutions.

We code and design UI/UX websites and mobile applications.

We build intelligent AI automations and AI services.

We integrate AI to your website and application and enhance functionality and user experience for your customers.

Our Motto

We will help you ideate, build and deploy.

Deploy anywhere, at any scale

All Your AI Needs in a Single Workspace

Let us create the perfect AI solutions tailored to your unique needs and objectives.

Ai Build Studio

Ai Infrastructure build studio. Explore different use cases, workflows, large language models (LLM), RAG, visual & speech Ai models then train and deploy Your Production-Ready AI

Integration API's

Seamlessly connect your existing systems with AI capabilities through custom integrations and APIs.


Streamline your operations and boost efficiency with intelligent automation solutions tailored to your specific workflows.

Cloud Solutions

AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle Cloud Marketplaces, guaranteeing optimal performance, maximum uptime, and top security.


AI Customer Service

Our AI Customer service includes LLM model, RAG Feature, Function Calling, Custom Tools, Integration, APIs and DataSets to build the best in class AI Chat applications.


AI Image Generator

AI’s Image services offer a growing set of APIs to build the best in class image applications.


Shopify & Lightspeed

Let us take your online store to the next level with AI-powered product recommendations, personalized marketing, and intelligent management. We also have the best POS, Payment gateways and accounting cloud-based solutions.


UI/UX Web - App

We develop and design UI/UX web and apps. We also integrate AI to your existing website and application and enhance functionality and user experience for your customers.

Debbie Miller

Debbie Miller

Support Consultant

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean feugiat lacus ut.

Justin Mitchell

Justin Mitchell

Account Manager

Suspendisse non volutpat mauris. Suspendisse a lectus ut ligula luctus porttitor. Nullam odio urna, consectetur non rutrum ac, maximus eu orci. Phasellus facilisis libero vitae iaculis scelerisque.

Gillian Charlson

Gillian Charlson

Product Manager

Maecenas pretium eget metus in sodales. Vestibulum cursus viverra viverra. Aenean sed sagittis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu.

Adrian Parker

Adrian Parker

Technical Support

Nullam at nulla ipsum. Suspendisse ornare id tortor id gravida. Vestibulum id urna ut ligula tempor commodo. Duis euismod arcu eu erat vehicula tempus. Pellentesque sed mi vel sapien vulputate.

Arnold Forman

Arnold Forman

SEO Manager

Nullam at nulla ipsum. Suspendisse ornare id tortor id gravida. Vestibulum id urna ut ligula tempor commodo. Duis euismod arcu eu erat vehicula tempus. Pellentesque sed mi vel sapien vulputate dignissim.

Kelly Day

Kelly Day

Product Manager

Mauris varius porta sem, sit amet commodo quam fringilla ut. Nulla cursus arcu in tellus luctus tempus. Sed tincidunt ex sit amet augue iaculis, condimentum vulputate felis fermentum.

Ryan Gate

Ryan Gate

Technical Support

Curabitur consectetur, dolor a eleifend posuere, magna enim aliquam nisl, sed laoreet quam ante a augue. Fusce ut dictum lorem, in tempor eros. Maecenas posuere id ligula eu placerat.

Melanie Parker

Melanie Parker

Account Manager

Phasellus risus metus, mattis in tincidunt non, consectetur efficitur lorem. Ut finibus nibh vel sapien feugiat convallis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Alisha Adderiy

Alisha Adderiy

Support Consultant

Nullam ex neque, blandit a molestie ac, elementum a dolor. Nunc fringilla mi vitae quam finibus sollicitudin.

Stephen White

Stephen White

Technical Support

Mauris consectetur mauris vel mattis tristique. Vestibulum semper nulla sed metus interdum, in mollis urna aliquam.

Janice Croftoon

Janice Croftoon

SEO Manager

Nunc fringilla mi vitae quam finibus sollicitudin. Duis cursus felis mi, et pretium neque mattis eu.
